Share the sound

Why destroy a set of high-end loudspeakers and make a film about it?

the truth hurts.

The truth is, that many people, and especially the younger generations, don’t know what ´stereo´ is. They don’t know the magic of 2 channels, because our listening habits have changed over the last decades.

Music is
made for stereo.

There was a need to speak loudly, because the understanding of what stereo is, had fallen steadily over the last several years, due to changing habits and new ways of listening to music. Chainsaws and crying children were over the top, but the message was honest and precise. Music is made for stereo. Share the sound (in two) and get the full experience, and share it with next generation.

A european

The campaign was versioned and rolled out in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands.